Home Introduction The Institute of Science and Technology for Brain-inspired Intelligence (ISTBI), is an interdisciplinary research institution of Fudan University. It was launched in March 2015. Fudan University, Shanghai, is one of the leading universities in China. The predecessor of ISTBI was the Centre for Co... LEARN MORE
Research Progress Seven Hours of Sleep is Optimal in Middle and O... Seven hours is the ideal amount of sleep for people in their middle age and upwards, with too little or too much little sleep associated with poorer cognitive performance and mental health, say researchers from Fudan University and the University of Cambridge.Sleep plays an important role in en... LEARN MORE
Research Progress A Link between Dynamic Changes in Human Brain L... On Mar 17, 2022, a paper entitled “Dynamic changes in brain lateralization correlate with human cognitive performance” was published online in PLOS Biology by Prof. Jie Zhang’s group at the Institute of Science and Technology for Brain-Inspired Intelligence, Fudan University.Hemispheric latera... LEARN MORE
Research Centers Centre for Biomedical Imaging(ZIC) Zhangjiang International Brain Imaging Centre(ZIC)is one of the most advanced brain imaging centres in Asia, located at Fudan Zhangjiang campus and is part of the Zhangjiang National Science Centre.Starting in 2016, the Shanghai Municipal Government and Fudan University have invested 400M RMB (... LEARN MORE