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  • 吴启文
  • 研究方向:空间导航中的多感觉整合,神经计算
  • 电子邮箱:qiwen_wu@fudan.edu.cn
  • 个人网站:
  • 简要介绍:
  • 代表成果:

    Wu, Q., Li, E., & Zhang, Y. (2023). A synaptic filtering mechanism in visual threat identification in mouse. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120(1), e2212786120.

    Wu, Q., & Zhang, Y. (2023). Neural Circuit Mechanisms Involved in Animals' Detection of and Response to Visual Threats. Neuroscience Bulletin,1-15.

    Zhang, L., Wu, Q., & Zhang, Y. (2020). Early visual motion experience shapes the gap junction connections among direction selective ganglion cells. PLoS Biology, 18(3), e3000692.

    Zhang, L., Wu, Q., & Zhang, Y. (2020). Early visual motion experience improves retinal encoding of motion directions. Journal of Neuroscience, 40(28), 5431-5442.

    Gao, L., Liu, S., Wang, Y., Wu, Q., Gou, L., & Yan, J. (2023). Single-neuron analysis of dendrites and axons reveals the network organization in mouse prefrontal cortex. Nature Neuroscience,1-16.