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Navigation in Insects and Robots

报告人: Babara Webb
讲者简介: Barbara Webb completed a BSc in Psychology at the University of Sydney then a PhD in Artificial Intelligence at the University of Edinburgh. She is a pioneer in the field of biorobotics - using embodied models to evaluation biological hypotheses of behavioural control, and has published influential review articles on this methodology in Behavioural and Brain Sciences, Nature, Science, Trends in Neurosciences and Current Biology. Recently, the focus of her research has moved from basic sensorimotor control towards more complex insect behavioural capabilities, in the areas of associative learning and navigation. She has held lectureships at the University of Nottingham and University of Stirling before returning to a faculty position in the School of Informatics at Edinburgh in 2003. She was appointed to a personal chair as Professor of Biorobotics in 2010.
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报告时间: 2021.1.25 17:00