复旦大学类脑研究院冯建峰教授:Some issues in brain-inspired AI
复旦大学类脑研究院林伟教授:Controlling and predicting oscillating dynamics
复旦大学类脑研究院王守岩研究员:Decoding brain and brain machine interaction
谢菲尔德大学Mikko Juusola教授:Hyperacute stereovision in fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster?
乔治·华盛顿大学赖颖蕾教授:M²RI: a novel approach to assess the reproducibility of large-scale association study
复旦大学类脑研究院赵兴明教授:Network biology in the post-genomic era
复旦大学类脑研究院张捷研究员:From genes to brain networks and behavior
复旦大学类脑研究院张孝勇青年研究员:Imaging brain disorders with 11.7T
复旦大学类脑研究院肖晓青年研究员:VR therapy underlying neural circuits of pain and depression comorbidity
复旦大学类脑研究院罗畯义青年研究员:The Progression of The Brain Networks in Alzheimer's disease
复旦大学类脑研究院曹淼青年研究员:Early development of language network-evidence from resting state fMRI
复旦大学类脑研究院宋卓异青年研究员:Multi-scale Biomimetic ‘Whole-cell’ Models to Study Adaptive Encoding
复旦大学类脑研究院纪鹏青年研究员:Cascade failures across the Alzheimer's disease spectrum
复旦大学类脑研究院王鹤青年研究员:Working progress on cerebrovascular imaging
复旦大学类脑研究院陈靖祺青年副研究员:Multi-omics approaches to investigating disease mechanisms
复旦大学类脑研究院耿馨佚博士后:Neural oscillations and deep brain stimulation (DBS) modulations in the basal ganglia of dystonia
复旦大学类脑研究院李鸿戬博士后:The mechanism and development of cortical visual prostheses
复旦大学类脑研究院代丹博士后:The impact of antidepressant drugs on functional networks for depression: Normaliz
复旦大学类脑研究院杨凯博士后:Drug Repositioning by Using Heterogeneous Information Network Embeddings
复旦大学类脑研究院石凯博士后:Analysis of the gut microbiome in a cohort of Autism Spectrum Disorders
复旦大学类脑研究院王林波博士后:Two biotypes in Parkinson’s disease with distinctive longitudinal progression
复旦大学类脑研究院汪静莹博士后:tDCS therapy for depression based on brain circuit modulation
德国维尔茨堡大学操礼遇博士:The role of somatosensory feedback in action binding