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81. Zhang, B., et al., MRI-Based Investigation of Association Between Cerebrovascular Structural Alteration and White Matter Hyperintensity Induced by High Blood Pressure. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 2021. 54(5): p. 1516-1526. MRI-Based Investigation of Association Between Cerebrovascular Structural Alteration and White Matter Hyperintensity Induced by High Blood Pressure.pdf

82. Yuan, S., et al., Multiomics interrogation into HBV (Hepatitis B virus)-host interaction reveals novel coding potential in human genome, and identifies canonical and non-canonical proteins as host restriction factors against HBV. Cell Discovery, 2021. 7(1). Multiomics interrogation into HBV (Hepatitis B virus)-host interaction reveals novel coding potential in human genome, and identifies canonical and non-canonical proteins as host restriction factors against HBV.pdf

83. Song, Z., et al., Multiscale 'whole-cell' models to study neural information processing-New insights from fly photoreceptor studies. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 2021. 357.

84. Yao, S., et al., NetGO 2.0: improving large-scale protein function prediction with massive sequence, text, domain, family and network information. Nucleic Acids Research, 2021. 49(W1): p. W469-W475. NetGO 2.0  improving large-scale protein function prediction with massive sequence, text, domain, family and network information.pdf

85. Chen, D., et al., Neural Biomarkers Distinguish Severe From Mild Autism Spectrum Disorder Among High-Functioning Individuals. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 2021. 15. Neural Biomarkers Distinguish Severe From Mild Autism Spectrum Disorder Among High-Functioning Individuals.pdf

86. Jia, T., et al., Neural network involving medial orbitofrontal cortex and dorsal periaqueductal gray regulation in human alcohol abuse. Science Advances, 2021. 7(6). Neural network involving medial orbitofrontal cortex and dorsal periaqueductal gray regulation in human alcohol abuse.pdf

87. Luo, H., et al., Neurophysiological characteristics in the periventricular/periaqueductal gray correlate with pain perception, sensation, and affect in neuropathic pain patients. Neuroimage-Clinical, 2021. 32. Neurophysiological characteristics in the periventricular periaqueductal gray correlate with pain perception, sensation, and affect in neuropathic pain patients.pdf

88. Yang, A., J. Chen, and X.-M. Zhao, nMAGMA: a network-enhanced method for inferring risk genes from GWAS summary statistics and its application to schizophrenia. Briefings in Bioinformatics, 2021. 22(4). nMAGMA- a network-enhanced method for inferring risk genes from GWAS summary statistics and its application to schizophrenia..pdf

89. Ha, Y., Y. Guo, and W. Lin, Non-Bayesian social learning model with periodically switching structures. Chaos, 2021. 31(4). Non-Bayesian social learning model with periodically switching structures.pdf

90. Zhang, H., et al., Objective Assessments of Mental Fatigue During a Continuous Long-Term Stress Condition. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 2021. 15. Objective Assessments of Mental Fatigue During a Continuous Long-Term Stress Condition.pdf

91. Gurumayum, S., et al., OGEE v3: Online GEne Essentiality database with increased coverage of organisms and human cell lines. Nucleic Acids Research, 2021. 49(D1): p. D998-D1003. OGEE v3  Online GEne Essentiality database with increased coverage of organisms and human cell lines.pdf

92. Ye, F., et al., Parallel pathway dense neural network with weighted fusion structure for brain tumor segmentation. Neurocomputing, 2021. 425: p. 1-11. Parallel pathway dense neural network with weighted fusion structure for brain tumor segmentation.pdf

93. Ye, J., et al., Performance measures after perturbations in the presence of inertia. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 2021. 97. Performance measures after perturbations in the presence of inertia.pdf

94. Huang, Z., et al., PFA-GAN: Progressive Face Aging With Generative Adversarial Network. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 2021. 16: p. 2031-2045. PFA-GAN Progressive Face Aging With Generative Adversarial Network.pdf

95. Li, H., Q. Wang, and G. Liang, Phase Transfer of Hydrophobic Nanoparticles Functionalized with Zwitterionic Bisphosphonate Ligands for Renal-Clearable Imaging Nanoprobes. Acs Applied Nano Materials, 2021. 4(3): p. 2621-2633. Phase Transfer of Hydrophobic Nanoparticles Functionalized with Zwitterionic Bisphosphonate Ligands for Renal-Clearable Imaging Nanoprobes.pdf

96. Zhao, W., et al., POSTAR3: an updated platform for exploring post-transcriptional regulation coordinated by RNA-binding proteins. Nucleic acids research, 2021. POSTAR3 an updated platform for exploring post-transcriptional regulation coordinated by RNA-binding proteins.pdf

97. Du, J. and R.L. Buckner, Precision estimates of macroscale network organization in the human and their relation to anatomical connectivity in the marmoset monkey. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 2021. 40: p. 144-152. Precision estimates of macroscale network organization in the human and their relation to anatomical connectivity in the marmoset monkey.pdf

98. Wang, L.-B., H. Ma, and J. Lin, Preferential retention of the slowly evolving gene in pairs of duplicates in angiosperm genomes. Journal of Systematics and Evolution, 2021. Preferential retention of the slowly evolving gene in pairs of duplicates in angiosperm genomes.pdf

99. He, W., et al., Preferential Targeting Cerebral Ischemic Lesions with Cancer Cell-Inspired Nanovehicle for Ischemic Stroke Treatment. Nano Letters, 2021. 21(7): p. 3033-3043. Preferential Targeting Cerebral Ischemic Lesions with Cancer Cell Inspired Navovehicle for Ischemic Stroke Treatment.pdf

100. Zhang, X.-Y., et al., Preliminary demonstration of in vivo quasi-steady-state CEST postprocessing-Correction of saturation time and relaxation delay for robust quantification of tumor MT and APT effects. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2021. Preliminary demonstration of in vivo quasi-steady-state CEST postprocessing-Correction of saturation time and relaxation delay for robust quantification of tumor MT and APT effects.pdf

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