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  • 简要介绍:博士研究生导师,青年研究员。2016年于北京师范大学获得认知神经科学博士学位,长期致力于基于神经影像学的人脑发育和人脑连接组学方法学研究。目前的研究兴趣主要围绕语言认知发展,自闭症、注意缺陷多动障碍等发育障碍的神经机制以及大脑早期健康发育的基本规律。发表 SCI 论文 20余篇,其中以第一作者或通讯作者在 Trends in Neuroscience, Molecular Psychiatry, Cerebral Cortex Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience等期刊发表论文 10 篇。主持了包括“国家自然基金青年项目”、上海市自然科学基金面上项目、上海市“脑与类脑智能基础转化应用研究”重大科技专项子课题等多个研究项目。
  • 代表成果:

    1.ZhouW,CuiX,ShiB,SuM*,CaoM* (2021). TheDevelopment of Brain Functional Connectome during Text Reading.Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience. 48:100927.(*corresponding author).

    2.Du J#, Rolls T. E#, Gong W#,Cao M#, Vatansever D, Zhang J, Cheng W, Feng J (2021),Association between parental age, brain structure, and behavioral and cognitive problems in children, Molecular Psychiatry, accepted.(#contributed equallyto the work).

    3.Xu YH#,Cao M#, Liao XH, Xia MR, Jeon T, Ouyang M, Chalak L, Rollins N, Huang H, He Y (2019). Development andemergence of individual variability in the functional connectivity architecture of the preterm human brain. Cerebral Cortex. 29(10):4208-4222 (#contributed equallyto the work).

    4.Cao M,Huang H, HeY (2017).Developmental Connectomics from Infancy through Early Childhood.Trends in Neuroscience. 40(8):494-506.

    5.Cao M,He Y, Dai ZJ, Liao XH, Jeon T, Ouyang MH, Chalak L, Bi YC, Rollons N, Dong Q, Huang H (2017).Early development of functional network segregation revealed by connectomic analysis of the preterm human brain. Cerebral Cortex.27(3):1949-1963.(ESI top 1%高被引文章)