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  • 简要介绍:2017年于清华大学获生物医学工程专业博士学位,随后在上海东软医疗科技有限公司担任磁共振序列研发工程师,2018年11月至2020年10月在美国华盛顿大学血管成像实验室从事博士后研究,2020年11月至2021年6月在清华大学医学院担任研究助理,2021年7月加入复旦大学类脑智能科学与技术研究院。主要研究方向为磁共振成像技术开发,医学图像处理和分析技术开发,以及磁共振成像在血管疾病和脑疾病中的应用。已在Magn Reson Med,Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol等学术期刊上发表SCI论文20余篇。担任J Magn Reson Imaging,J Cereb Blood Flow Metab和Eur Radiol等多个SCI期刊的审稿人。
  • 代表成果:

    1.Chen Z, Zhou Z, Qi, H, Chen H, Chu B, Hatsukami TS, Yuan C, and Balu N*, A novel sequence for simultaneous measurement of whole-brain static and dynamic MRA, intracranial vessel wall image and T1-weighted structural brain MRI.Magn Reson Med,2021. 85(1): p. 316-325.

    2.Gould A#,Chen Z#*, Geleri DB, Balu N, Zhou Z, Chen L, Chu B, Pimentel K, Canton G, Hatsukami T, Yuan C, Vessel length on SNAP MRA and TOF MRA is a potential imaging biomarker for brain blood flow.Magn Reson Imaging, 2021.

    3.Chen Z*, Chen L, Shirakawa M, Liu W, Ortega D, Chen J, Balu N, Trouard T, Hatsukami T S, Zhou W, and Yuan C, Intracranial vascular feature changes in time of flight MR angiography in patients undergoing carotid revascularization surgery.Magn Reson Imaging, 2021. 75: p. 45-50.

    4.Jiang P#,Chen Z#, Hippe D S, Watase H, Sun B, Lin R, Yang Z, Xue Y*, Zhao X*, and Yuan C, Association Between Carotid Bifurcation Geometry and Atherosclerotic Plaque Vulnerability: A Chinese Atherosclerosis Risk Evaluation Study.Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol, 2020:Atvbaha119313830.

    5.Chen Z, Zhao X*, Zhang X, Guo R, Teeuwisse W M, Zhang B, Koken P, Smink J, Yuan C, and van Osch M J P, Simultaneous measurement of brain perfusion and labeling efficiency in a single pseudo-continuous arterial spin labeling scan.Magn Reson Med, 2018. 79(4): p. 1922-1930.

    6.Chen Z, Zhang X, Yuan C, Zhao X*, and van Osch M J P, Measuring the labeling efficiency of pseudocontinuous arterial spin labeling.Magn Reson Med, 2017. 77(5): p. 1841-1852.

    7.Chen Z#, Liu A-F#, Chen H, Yuan C, He L, Zhu Y, Guan M, Jiang W-J*, and Zhao X*, Evaluation of basilar artery atherosclerotic plaque distribution by 3D MR vessel wall imaging.J Magn Reson Imaging, 2016. 44(6): p. 1592-1599.