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  • 简要介绍:2022年6月于清华大学自动化系获博士学位,师从国际著名系统生物学家Michael Q. Zhang教授,2022年9月加入复旦大学类脑智能科学与技术研究院。入选国家级青年人才、周传奖、上海市东方英才等。从事单细胞/空间组学相关机器/深度学习方法研究,成果以第一/通讯作者身份发表在Nature Methods(2021/2023/2024)、Nature Communications(2022/2024)、Nature Protocols(2024)、Cell Genomics(2024)等。部分成果被选为Nature Methods/Nature Communications/Cell Genomics亮点论文、Nature Methods头版新闻、Nature Methods TOP 1%论文、ESI高被引论文等。一作获得中国生物信息学十大进展(2次)、世界人工智能大会青年优秀论文奖。主持基金委面上、青年等,骨干参与国家重点研发计划、上海市重点专项等。学术服务:编委/青年编委:Genomics Proteomics Bioinformatics、Journal of Genetics and Genomics、Advanced Biotechnology。 审稿人:Nat. Methods、Nat. Biotechnol.、Nat. Metab.、Nat. Mach. Intell.、Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol.、Nat. Commun.、Sci. Adv.、Cell Syst.、Cell Rep.、Cell Rep. Methods、Genome Biol.、Genome Med.、Genome Res.、Natl. Sci. Rev.、Nucleic Acids Res.、Protein Cell、BIB、GPB、JGG、Bioinformatics、CSBJ等。
  • 代表成果:

    [1] Z Yuan*, Q Zhou*, L Cai*, et al., Y Chen#, X Zhang# & MQ Zhang#.

    SEAM is a spatial single nuclear metabolomics method for dissecting tissue microenvironment.

    Nature Methods 18, 1223–1232 (2021).

    [2] Z Yuan*#, W Pan*, X Zhao, F Zhao, X Li, Y Zhao, MQ Zhang# & J Yao#.

    SODB facilitates comprehensive exploration of spatial omics data.

    Nature Methods 20, 387–399 (2023).

    [3] Z Yuan*#, F Zhao, S Lin, Y Zhao, J Yao, Y Cui, XY Zhang, Y Zhao#.

    Benchmarking spatial clustering methods with spatially resolved transcriptomics data.

    Nature Methods (2024).

    [4] Z Yuan*#, Y Li*, M Shi, F Yang, J Gao, J Yao# & MQ Zhang#.

    SOTIP is a versatile method for microenvironment modeling with spatial omics data.

    Nature Communications 13, 7330 (2022).

    [5] Z Yuan*#.

    MENDER: Fast and scalable tissue structure identification in Spatial Omics Data.

    Nature Communications 15, 207 (2024).

    [6] S Lin, F Zhao, Z Wu, J Yao, Y Zhao# & Z Yuan#.

    Streamlining spatial omics data analysis with Pysodb.

    Nature Protocols (2024).

    [7] S Lin, Y Cui, F Zhao, et al., BZ Qian, Y Zhao#, Z Yuan#.

    Complete spatially resolved gene expression is not necessary for identifying spatial domains.

    Cell Genomics (2024).

    [8] Z Yuan*# & J Yao#.

    Harnessing Computational Spatial Omics to Explore the Spatial Biology Intricacies.

    Seminars in Cancer Biology (2023).

    [9] T Guo*, Z Yuan*, Y Pan, J Wang, F Chen, MQ Zhang#, X Li#.

    SPIRAL: integrating and aligning spatially resolved transcriptomics data across different experiments, conditions, and technologies.

    Genome Biology 24, 241 (2023).