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  • 王守岩(研究员)
  • 研究方向:神经工程 数字医疗
  • 电子邮箱:shouyan@fudan.edu.cn
  • 个人网站:
  • 简要介绍:复旦大学类脑智能科学与技术研究院副院长,神经与智能工程中心主任,中国神经调控创新联盟副理事长,中国中医针灸脑科学产学研创新联盟副理事长,天坛医院“中枢神经系统运动障碍性疾病临床诊疗研究中心”副主任,教育部“计算神经科学与类脑智能”学科国际创新引智基地执行负责人,中科院“百人计划”、江苏省创新创业人才。王守岩教授长期从事深部脑刺激神经调控、神经信息处理与建模研究,以神经工程技术研究为核心、以临床需求为牵引开展交叉学科合作,将科学探索、技术创新与产品研发相融合,在Brain、J Neural Engineering等国际期刊发表论文60余篇,申请专利30余项,研发科研设备、医疗设备八项,承担了科技部重点研发计划、国家自然科学基金、军队重点研发项目等课题二十余项,上海市“脑与类脑智能”重大科技专项核心骨干。在人脑深部神经活动编码、多感知智能神经调控技术方面的研究推动了精准智能神经调控理论与技术发展,为提升深部脑刺激神经调控临床治疗效果提供了创新方法与技术。
  • 代表成果:


    1.Yingnan Nie, Huichun Luo, Xiao Li, Xinyi Geng, Alexander L. Green, Tipu Z. Aziz, Shouyan Wang*. Subthalamic dynamic neural states correlate with motor symptoms in Parkinson’s Disease, Clinical Neurophysiology, 2021, 132 (11), 2789-2797.

    2.Yingnan Nie, Xuanjun Guo, Xiao Lie, Xinyi Geng, Yan Li, Zhaoyu Quane, Guanyu Zhu, Zixiao Yin, Jianguo Zhang, Shouyan Wang*. Real-time removal of stimulation artifacts in closed-loop deep brain stimulation, Journal of Neural Engineering,2021, 18(6), 066031. DOI10.1088/1741-2552/ac3cc5.

    3.Zhang H, Wang J, Geng X, Li C and Wang S (2021). Objective Assessments of Mental Fatigue During a Continuous Long-Term Stress Condition. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 15:733426. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2021.733426

    4.Jingying Wang, Huichun Luo, Rasmus Schülke, Xinyi Geng, Barbara J Sahakian, Shouyan Wang*. Is Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation, Alone or in Combination with Antidepressant Medications or Psychotherapies, Effective in Treating Major Depressive Disorder? — A systematic review and meta-analysis,BMC MEDICINE, 2021, 19(1),319. DOI10.1186/s12916-021-02181-4

    5.Huichun Luo, Yongzhi Huang, Alexander L. Green, Tipu Z. Aziz, Xiao Xiao, Shouyan Wang*. Neurophysiological characteristics in the periventricular/periaqueductal gray correlate with pain perception, sensation, and affect in neuropathic pain patients, NeuroImage Clinical, 2021, 32:102876. DOI10.1016/j.nicl.2021.102876

    6.Deniz Vatansever, Shouyan Wang, Barbara J Sahakian. Covid-19 and promising solutions to combat symptoms of stress, anxiety and depression, NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY(综述)

    7.Zhu, JLL,Schulke, R ,Vatansever, D ,Xi, DY ,Yan, JJ , Zhao, HQ, Xie, XH , Feng, JF , Chen, MY ,Sahakian, BJ *, Wang, SY *. Mindfulness practice for protecting mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic, TRANSLATIONAL PSYCHIATRY, 2021, 11(1): 329. DOI:10.1038/s41398-021-01459-8.

    8.Yanan Sui, Ye Tian, Wai Kin Daniel Ko, Sheyann Wang, Fumin Jia, Andreas Horn, Dirk De Ridder, Ki Sueng Cho, Ausaf A. Bari, Shouyan Wang, Clement Hamani, Kenneth B. Baker Andre G. Machado, Tipu Z. Aziz, Erich Talamoni Fonoff, Andrea A. Kühn, Hagai Bergman, Terence Sanger, Hesheng Liu*, Suzanne N. Haber* and Luming Li *. Deep Brain Stimulation Initiative: Toward Innovative Technology, New Disease Indications, and Approaches to Current and Future Clinical Challenges in Neuromodulation Therapy, Frontiers in Neurology,2021,11,597451. DOI10.3389/fneur.2020.597451

    9.Linbo Wang, PhD#, Wei Cheng, PhD#*, Edmund Rolls, DPhil, DSc, Fuli Dai, MSc, Weikang Gong, PhD, Jingnan Du, MSc, Wei Zhang, BSc, Shouyan Wang, PhD, Fengtao Liu, MD, Jian Wang, MD, Peter Brown*, MD and Jianfeng Feng*, PhD. Association of specific biotypes in patients with Parkinson disease and disease progression, Neurology, 2020, 95(11), E1445-E1460.

    10.肖子凡、刘逸群、李楚溪、张力、王守岩*、肖晓*. 基于时移和片组注意力融合的双流行为识别网络[J].计算机系统应用,2022, 31(1): 204-211.

    11.赵张,汪静莹,耿馨佚,朱廷劭,王守岩*. 融合注意力机制与双向长短时记忆网络的语音分析抑郁识别方法[J].复旦学报(自然科学版),2021,60(06):733-739.

    12.H Luo, Y Huang, X Xiao, W Dai, Y Nie, X Geng, A Green, T Aziz, S Wang*. Functional dynamics of thalamic local field potentials correlate with modulation of neuropathic pain, European Journal of Neuroscience, 2020, 51(2) :624-628.


    14.J Wang, D Gong, H Luo, W Zhang, S Wang*. Measurement of step angle for quantifying the gait impairment of Parkinson's disease by wearable sensors: Controlled study, JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 2020, 8(3): e16650.

    15.Han Zhang, Chuantao Li, Wei Liu, Jingying Wang, Junhong Zhou and Shouyan Wang*, A Multi-Sensor Wearable System for the Quantitative Assessment of Parkinson’s Disease, Sensors.2020,20(21), DOI:10.3390/s20216146.

    16.Deniz Vatansever, Shouyan Wang and Barbara J. Sahakian. Covid-19 and promising solutions to combat symptoms of stress, anxiety and depression, Neuropsychopharmacology, 2020:1-2.

    17.Shen L, Geng X, Luo H, J Wang, S Wang*. Epileptic States Recognition Using Transfer Learning, 2019 41st Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC). IEEE, 2019,2539-2542.

    18.Jingying,Wang,Dawei,Gong,Wenbin,Zhang,Han,Shouyan*. Quantifying the influence of DBS surgery in patients with Parkinson's disease during perioperative period by wearable sensors. Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2019,0:3311-3314.

    19.GuanYu Zhu, XinYi Geng, RuiLi Zhang, YingChuan Chen, YuYe Liu, ShouYan Wang*, JianGuo Zhang*. Deep brain stimulation modulates pallidal and subthalamic neural oscillations in Tourette's syndrome. Brain and Behavior, 2019, 9(12): e01450.

    20.Huiling Tan*, Jean Debarros, Shenghong He, Alek Pogpsyan, Tipu Z.Aziz, Yongzhi Huang, Shouyan Wang, Lars Timmermann, Veerle Visser-Vandewalle, David J.Pedrosa, Alexander L.Green, Peter Brown**. Decoding voluntary movements and postural tremor based on thalamic LFPs as a basis for closed-loop stimulation for essential tremor. Brain Stimulation, 2019,12(4):858-867.


    22.X Geng, X Xu, Z Ling*, A Horn, N Li, P Brown, S Wang*. Intra-operative characterisation of subthalamic oscillations in Parkinson's disease. Clinical Neurophysiology Official Journal of the International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology, 2018, 129(5):1001. (封面文章)

    23.G Zhu,X Geng,T Zheng,Y Chen,S Wang*, J Zhang*. Characteristics of Globus Pallidus Internus Local Field Potentials in Hyperkinetic Disease. Frontiers in Neurology, 2018, 9:934.


    25.S Ge, X Geng, X Wang, N Li, L Chen, X Zhang, Y Huang, Y Li, S Wang*, G Gao*. Oscillatory local field potentials of the nucleus accumbens and the anterior limb of the internal capsule in heroin addicts. Clinical Neurophysiology, 2018,129(6):1242-1253.

    26.K Zhang, B Feng, YP Zhang, YZ Huang, SY Wang*, L Long, Y Li, X Li, Y Dai, H Yang. Pattern Identification of Subthalamic Local Field Potentials in Parkinson's Disease. Itm Web of Conferences, 2017, 12:02004.

    27.Li L, Liang L, SY Wang*. Multi-sensor wearable devices for movement monitoring in Parkinson's disease. International IEEE/EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering. IEEE, 2017,70-73.

    28.H Luo,X Du,Y Huang,A Green,S Wang*. Dynamic synchronization state identification. 2017 8th International IEEE/EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering (NER). IEEE, 2017,525-528.

    29.Huichun Luo, Xueying Du,Yongzhi Huang, Shouyan Wang*. Dynamic synchronization state discrimination in local field potentials of neuropathic pain. 2nd IET International Conference on Biomedical Image and Signal Processing (ICBISP 2017). 2017,12:237.


    31.Luo, H.,Du, X.,Huang, Y.,Green, A.,Aziz, A.,Wang S*. Dynamic neural state identification in deep brain local fields potentials by wavelet packet transform, Brain Stimulation, 2017, 10(2):438-439.

    32.Huang YZ, Green AL, Hyam J, Fitzgerald J, Aziz TZ , Wang SY*. Oscillatory neural representations in the sensory thalamus predict neuropathic pain relief by deep brain stimulation. Neurobiology of Disease, 2017, 109: 117-126 .

    33.X Geng, J Zhang, Y Jiang, K Ashkan, T Foltynie, P Limousin, L Zrinzo, A Green, T Aziz, P Brown, S Wang*. Comparison of oscillatory activity in subthalamic nucleus in Parkinson’s disease and dystonia. Neurobiology of Disease, 2017, 98: 100-107.


    35.Qifan Bai, Huijun Zhang, Chengjie Mao, Liang Li, Qian Yu, Baoteng Xu, Tianyu Shen, Chunfeng Liu, Shouyan Wang*. Quantitative assessment of Parkinson's disease with multiple wearable devices. IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, 2017, 1848-1851.
































