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  • Shen L, Geng X, Luo H,J Wang,S Wang*. Epileptic States Recognition Using Transfer Learning,2019 41st Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC). IEEE, 2019,2539-2542.

  • JingyingWangDaweiGongWenbinZhangHanShouyan*. Quantifying the influence of DBS surgery in patients with Parkinson's disease during perioperative period by wearable sensors.Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2019,0:3311-3314.

  • GuanYu Zhu,XinYi Geng,RuiLi Zhang,YingChuan Chen,YuYe Liu,ShouYan Wang*,JianGuo Zhang*. Deep brain stimulation modulates pallidal and subthalamic neural oscillations in Tourette's syndrome.Brain and Behavior, 2019, 9(12): e01450.

  • Huiling Tan*, Jean Debarros, Shenghong He, Alek Pogpsyan, Tipu Z.Aziz, Yongzhi Huang, Shouyan Wang, Lars Timmermann, Veerle Visser-Vandewalle, David J.Pedrosa, Alexander L.Green, Peter Brown**. Decoding voluntary movements and postural tremor based on thalamic LFPs as a basis for closed-loop stimulation for essential tremor.Brain Stimulation, 2019,12(4):858-867.

  • 张睿俐,张建国*,王守岩*.脑深部电刺激术治疗儿童肌张力障碍的现状及展望[J].中华神经外科杂志,2019(01):103-106.

  • X Geng, X Xu, Z Ling*, A Horn, N Li, P Brown, S Wang*. Intra-operative characterisation of subthalamic oscillations in Parkinson's disease.Clinical Neurophysiology Official Journal of the International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology, 2018, 129(5):1001.(封面文章)

  • G ZhuX GengT ZhengY Chen,S Wang*,J Zhang*. Characteristics of Globus Pallidus Internus Local Field Potentials in Hyperkinetic Disease.Frontiers in Neurology, 2018, 9:934.

  • 邓淇尹,于涌,李亮,赵晓东,刘永峰,蒋蓁,王守岩*.基于CC3200的无线运动传感器节点研制及功耗优化[J].工业控制计算机,2018,31(03):116-118.

  • S Ge, X Geng, X Wang, N Li, L Chen, X Zhang, Y Huang, Y Li, S Wang*, G Gao*.Oscillatory local field potentials of the nucleus accumbens and the anterior limb of the internal capsule in heroin addicts. Clinical Neurophysiology, 2018,129(6):1242-1253.