1. Squair JW, Gautier M, Mahe L, Soriano JE, Rowald A, Bichat A, Cho N, Anderson MA, James ND, Gandar J, Incognito AV, Schiavone G, Sarafis ZK, Laskaratos A, Bartholdi K, Demesmaeker R, Komi S, Moerman C, Vaseghi B, Scott B, Rosentreter R, Kathe C, Ravier J, McCracken L, Kang X, Vachicouras N, Fallegger F, Jelescu I, Cheng Y, Li Q, Buschman R, Buse N, Denison T, Dukelow S, Charbonneau R, Rigby I, Boyd SK, Millar PJ, Moraud EM, Capogrosso M, Wagner FB, Barraud Q, Bezard E, Lacour SP, Bloch J, Courtine G, Phillips AA. Neuroprosthetic baroreflex controls haemodynamics after spinal cord injury. Nature 2021.
2. Lin Y-F, Liu X-H, Cui Z-Y, Song Z-T, Zou F, Chen S-G, Kang X-Y, Ye B, Wang Q, Tian J, Jia J. Weakened Effective Connectivity Related to Electroacupuncture in Stroke Patients with Prolonged Flaccid Paralysis: An EEG Pilot Study. Neural Plasticity 2021, 2021: 6641506.
3. Yuan Zhang, Song Le, Jialiang Guo, Zuoting Song, Tao Fang, Xueze Zhang, Gege Zhan, Shouyan Wang, Hui Li, Jin Tao, Jingqiu Liang, Lihua Zhang, Xiaoyang Kang, Removing Artifacts of Invasive Neural Recording Induced by MRI Scanning, The 9th International Winter Conference on Brain-Computer Interface (BCI2021), pp 230-234.
4. Pengchao Wang, Zuoting Song, Hao Chen, Tao Fang, Yuan Zhang, Xueze Zhang, Shouyan Wang, Hui Li, Yifang Lin, Jie Jia, Lihua Zhang, Xiaoyang Kang, Application of Combined Brain Computer Interface and Eye Tracking, The 9th International Winter Conference on Brain-Computer Interface (BCI2021), pp 264-268.
5. Gege Zhan, Zuoting Song, Tao Fang, Yuan Zhang, Song Le, Xueze Zhang, Shouyan Wang, Yifang Lin, Jie Jia, Lihua Zhang, Xiaoyang Kang, Applications of Spiking Neural Network in Brain Computer Interface, The 9th International Winter Conference on Brain-Computer Interface (BCI2021), pp 295-300.
6. Xueze Zhang, Zuoting Song, Shuang Li, Yuan Zhang, Tao Fang, Shouyan Wang, Hui Li, Yifang Lin, Jie Jia, Lihua Zhang, Xiaoyang Kang, Hongbo Wang, Brain Computer Interface for the Hand Function Restoration, The 9th International Winter Conference on Brain-Computer Interface (BCI2021), pp 253-258.
7. Zuoting Song, Tao Fang, Jing Ma, Yuan Zhang, Song Le, Gege Zhan, Xueze Zhang, Shouyan Wang, Hui Li, Yifang Lin, Jie Jia, Lihua Zhang, Xiaoyang Kang, Evaluation and Diagnosis of Brain Diseases based on Non-invasive BCI, The 9th International Winter Conference on Brain-Computer Interface (BCI2021), pp 241-246.
8. Song Le, Yuan Zhang, Yifei Fu, Tao Fang, Zuoting Song, Xueze Zang, Gege Zhan, Shouyan Wang, Hui Li, Jin Tao, Jingqiu Liang, Lihua Zhang, Xiaoyang Kang, Implantable Optoelectronic Neural Interface for Optogenetics, The 9th International Winter Conference on Brain-Computer Interface (BCI2021), pp 247-252.
9. Tao Fang, Zuoting Song, Lan Niu, Song Le, Yuan Zhang, Xueze Zhang, Gege Zhan, Shouyan Wang, Hui Li, Yifang Lin, Jie Jia, Lihua Zhang, Xiaoyang Kang, Recent Advances of P300 Speller Paradigms and Algorithms, The 9th International Winter Conference on Brain-Computer Interface (BCI2021), pp 235-240.
10. G. Schiavone, X. Y. Kang (共一), F. Fallegger, J. Gandar, G. Courtine, S.P. Lacour, Guidelines to Study and Develop Soft Electrode Systems for Neural Stimulation, Neuron 108(2) (2020) 238-258.
11.11.G. Schiavone, F. Fallegger, X. Y. Kang (共二), B. Barra, N. Vachicouras, E. Roussinova, I. Furfaro, S. Jiguet, I. Seáñez, S. Borgognon, A. Rowald, Q. Li, C. Qin, E. Bézard, J. Bloch, G. Courtine, M. Capogrosso, S.P. Lacour, Soft, Implantable Bioelectronic Interfaces for Translational Research, Adv Mater 32(17) (2020).
12. L. Li, J.H. Zheng, J. Chen, Z.B. Luo, Y. Su, W. Tang, X. Gao, Y.T. Li, C.J. Cao, Q.H. Liu, X. Y. Kang, L. Wang, H. Li, Flexible Pressure Sensors for Biomedical Applications: From Ex Vivo to In Vivo, Adv Mater Interfaces 7(17) (2020).
13. G. Schiavone, F. Wagner, F. Fallegger, X. Y. Kang, N. Vachicouras, B. Barra, M. Capogrosso, J. Bloch, G. Courtine, S. Lacour, Long-term functionality of a soft electrode array for epidural spinal cord stimulation in a minipig model, 2018 40th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), pp. 1432-1435, 2018.
14. MH Wang, BW Ji, XW Gu, HC Tian, X. Y. Kang, et al., Direct electrodeposition of Graphene enhanced conductive polymer on microelectrode for biosensing application, Biosensors and Bioelectronics 99 (2018), 99-107. IF=7.780
15. B Ji, M Wang, X. Y. Kang, et al., Flexible Optoelectric Neural Interface Integrated Wire-Bonding $\mu $ LEDs and Microelectrocorticography for Optogenetics, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 64 (5), 2017, 2008-2015. IF=2.605
16. X. Y. Kang, J. Q. Liu, H. C. Tian, B. Yang, et al., 'Sputtered iridium oxide modified flexible parylene microelectrodes array for electrical recording and stimulation of muscles', Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 225(2016) 267-78. IF=5.401