简介:N6705C 直流电源分析仪将多达 4 个先进电源与数字万用表、示波器、任意波形发生器和数据记录仪功能融为一体,可以显著提高为被测器件提供和测量直流电压和电流的效率。N6705C 可独立测量被测器件的输入电流,无需使用多个设备构建包括传感器(例如电流探头和分路器)在内的复杂测量装置。它也无需开发和调试程序,即可控制仪器组合并进行有效的测量,因为前面板已经提供了所有功能和测量。若需要自动进行工作台设置,N6705C 可通过 GPIB、USB、LAN 进行完全编程,并且符合 LXI 类标准。
The N6705C DC Power Analyser combines up to 4 advanced power supplies with a digital multimeter, oscilloscope, arbitrary waveform generator and data logger functions to significantly improve the efficiency of supplying and measuring DC voltages and currents for devices under test. It eliminates the need for complex measurement devices including transducers and splitters. It also eliminates the need to develop and debug programs to control the instrument combination and make effective measurements, as the front panel already provides all the functions and measurements. If automatic bench setup is required, the N6705C is fully programmable via GPIB, USB, LAN and is LXI class compliant.
Person in charge:Rui Song
Contact information:niec_istbi@fudan.edu.cn