1.ZhouW,CuiX,ShiB,SuM*,CaoM* (2021). TheDevelopment of Brain Functional Connectome during Text Reading.Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience. 48:100927.(*corresponding author).
2.Du J#, Rolls T. E#, Gong W#,Cao M#, Vatansever D, Zhang J, Cheng W, Feng J (2021),Association between parental age, brain structure, and behavioral and cognitive problems in children, Molecular Psychiatry, accepted.(#contributed equallyto the work).
3.Xu YH#,Cao M#, Liao XH, Xia MR, Jeon T, Ouyang M, Chalak L, Rollins N, Huang H, He Y (2019). Development andemergence of individual variability in the functional connectivity architecture of the preterm human brain. Cerebral Cortex. 29(10):4208-4222 (#contributed equallyto the work).
4.Cao M,Huang H, HeY (2017).Developmental Connectomics from Infancy through Early Childhood.Trends in Neuroscience. 40(8):494-506.
5.Cao M,He Y, Dai ZJ, Liao XH, Jeon T, Ouyang MH, Chalak L, Bi YC, Rollons N, Dong Q, Huang H (2017).Early development of functional network segregation revealed by connectomic analysis of the preterm human brain. Cerebral Cortex.27(3):1949-1963.(ESI top 1%高被引文章)