• Y. Thomas Yang
  • Research Direction:Computational Genomics
  • Email:yangyy@fudan.edu.cn
  • Website:https://yucheng-yang.github.io
  • Brief Introduction:The research area is computational genomics and the integrative analysis of biomedical big data. Current research interests include genomic regulatory elements and gene expression regulation, as well as their association with complex human diseases, particularly the brain-related disorders.
  • Achievement:

    (1)YT Yang*,†, Z Gan*, J Zhang*, X Zhao, Y Yang, S Han, W Wu, X-M Zhao. (2024) STAB2: an updated Spatio-Temporal cell Atlas of the human and mouse Brain. Nucleic Acids Research 52(D1), D1033-D1041.

    (2)A Yang, YT Yang, X-M Zhao. (2023) An augmented Mendelian randomization approach provides causality of brain imaging features on complex traits in a single biobank-scale dataset. PLoS Genetics 19(12), e1011112.

    (3)X Zhao*, L Song*, A Yang, Z Zhang, J Zhang, YT Yang, X-M Zhao. (2023) Prioritizing genes associated with brain disorders by leveraging enhancer-promoter interactions in diverse neural cells and tissues. Genome Medicine 15(1), 56.

    (4)J Rozowsky*, J Gao*, B Borsari*, YT Yang*, T Galeev*, G Gursoy*, CB Epstein*, K Xiong*, J Xu*, T Li*, J Liu*, K Yu, A Berthel, Z Chen, F Navarro, MS Sun, J Wright, J Chang, CJF Cameron, N Shoresh, E Gaskell, J Drenkow, J Adrian, S Aganezov, F Aguet, G Balderrama-Gutierrez, S Banskota, GB Corona, S Chee, SB Chhetri, G Conte C Martins, C Danyko, CA Davis, D Farid, NP Farrell, I Gabdank, Y Gofin, DU Gorkin, M Gu, V Hecht, BC Hitz, R Issner, Y Jiang, M Kirsche, X Kong, BR Lam, S Li, B Li, X Li, KZ Lin, R Luo, M Mackiewicz, R Meng, JE Moore, J Mudge, N Nelson, C Nusbaum, I Popov, HE Pratt, Y Qiu, S Ramakrishnan, J Raymond, L Salichos, A Scavelli, JM Schreiber, FJ Sedlazeck, LH See, RM Sherman, X Shi, M Shi, CA Sloan, JS Strattan, Z Tan, FY Tanaka, A Vlasova, J Wang, J Werner, B Williams, M Xu, C Yan, L Yu, C Zaleski, J Zhang, K Ardlie, JM Cherry, EM Mendenhall, WS Noble, Z Weng, ME Levine, A Dobin, B Wold, A Mortazavi, B Ren, J Gillis, RM Myers, MP Snyder, J Choudhary, A Milosavljevic, MC Schatz, BE Bernstein, R Guigó, TR Gingeras, M Gerstein. (2023) The EN-TEx resource of multi-tissue personal epigenomes & variant-impact models. Cell 186(7), 1493-1511.

    (5)X Zhao*, A Yang*, ZC Zhang, YT Yang, X-M Zhao. (2023) Deciphering the genetic architecture of human brain structure and function: a brief survey on recent advances of neuroimaging genomics. Briefings in Bioinformatics 24(2), bbad060.

    (6) JM Mudge*,†, J Ruiz-Orera*,, JR Prensner*,, MA Brunet, F Calvet, I Jungreis, JM Gonzalez, M Magrane, TF Martinez, JF Schulz, YT Yang, MM Albà, JL Aspden, PV Baranov, AA Bazzini, E Bruford, MJ Martin, L Calviello, A-R Carvunis, J Chen, JP Couso, EW Deutsch, P Flicek, A Frankish, M Gerstein, N Hubner, NT Ingolia, M Kellis, G Menschaert, RL Moritz, U Ohler, X Roucou, A Saghatelian, JS Weissman, S van Heesch. (2022) Standardized annotation of translated open reading frames. Nature Biotechnology 40(7), 994-1000.

    (7)W Zhao*, S Zhang*, Y Zhu, X Xi, P Bao, Z Ma, TH Kapral, S Chen, B Zagrovic, YT Yang, ZJ Lu. (2022) POSTAR3: an updated platform for exploring post-transcriptional regulation coordinated by RNA-binding proteins. Nucleic Acids Research 50(D1), D287-D294.

    (8)L Sun*, K Xu*, W Huang*, YT Yang*, P Li, L Tang, T Xiong, QC Zhang. (2021) Predicting dynamic cellular protein-RNA interactions by deep learning using in vivo RNA structure. Cell Research 31(5), 495-516.

    (9)Y Zhu*, G Xu*, YT Yang*, Z Xu, X Chen, B Shi, D Xie, ZJ Lu, P Wang. (2019) POSTAR2: deciphering the post-transcriptional regulatory logics. Nucleic Acids Research 47(D1), D203-D211.

    (10)D Wang*, S Liu*, J Warrell*, H Won*, X Shi*, FCP Navarro*, D Clarke*, M Gu*, P Emani*, YT Yang, M Xu, MJ Gandal, S Lou, J Zhang, JJ Park, C Yan, SK Rhie, K Manakongtreecheep, H Zhou, A Nathan, M Peters, E Mattei, D Fitzgerald, T Brunetti, J Moore, Y Jiang, K Girdhar, GE Hoffman, S Kalayci, ZH Gümüş, GE Crawford, PsychENCODE Consortium, P Roussos, S Akbarian, AE Jaffe, KP White, Z Weng, N Sestan, DH Geschwind, JA Knowles, MB Gerstein. (2018) Comprehensive functional genomic resource and integrative model for the human brain. Science 362(6420), eaat8464.

    (11)J Gong*, D Shao*, K Xu, Z Lu, ZJ Lu, YT Yang, QC Zhang. (2018) RISE: a database of RNA Interactome from Sequencing Experiments. Nucleic Acids Research 46(D1), D194-D201.