The Center aims to develop modern mathematics and statistical methods based on the principle of brain work and to develop a new generation of artificial intelligence, especially the neuron network model at the whole brain scale through data assimilation methods and computational modeling. By constructing a network of whole brain electrical impulse neurons, the Centre strives to implement learning algorithms such as the algorithm of pattern recognition, attention, and reinforcement learning. For a given input and output electrical pulse array, we rely on the moment neural network framework to build a learning algorithm to implement a multi input and output model, which will consolidate the basis of mathematical statistics of artificial intelligence algorithms such as the algorithm of supervised learning, semi-supervised learning, and unsupervised learning and will promote the development of an intelligent algorithms library. In 2019, based on the core team of the center, Shanghai Institute of Artificial Intelligence Algorithms was established and unveiled at the 2019 World Artificial Intelligence Conference.

Research Directions:

Direction I: Whole brain pulse network

Direction II: Random pulse network learning algorithm

Direction III:Learning algorithms and mathematical theories of artificial neural network