The Institute of Science and Technology for Brain-inspired Intelligence (ISTBI), is an interdisciplinary research institution of Fudan University. It was launched in March 2015. Fudan University, Shanghai, is one of the leading universities in China. The predecessor of ISTBI was the Centre for Computational Systems Biology, founded in 2008 and was one of the first international and interdisciplinary research centres in Fudan University.

ISTBI covers several research fields including applied mathematics, statistics, computer science, informatics and neuroscience. The research carried out in ISTBI is interdisciplinary per se, with computational neuroscience playing a pivotal role.

ISTBI aims to make significant contributions in the development of basic theories, core algorithms and key frameworks for artificial intelligence. It also has the aims of developing intelligent diagnosis systems for brain diseases, and establishing principles of cognitive neuroscience. Ultimately, ISTBI will contribute to the innovation and the development of an intelligence-oriented society.