
The interdisciplinary permeation from mathematics, physics, chemistry, information science has witnessed bloomy developments in life sciences. The CCSB aims to establish a platform for computer-aided simulation andmathematicand physical analyses of the morphology of life, based on the fusion of big data techniques and new-developed experimental technology: develop a large-scale computing and simulation model from the brain experiments for cognition, attention, learning and memory, towards understanding the information processing strategy of brain and enlightening new theory and algorithms of AI; establish new theory and methodology in nonlinear, complex and systems sciences to understand and analyze the evolution of complex systems arising in physics, ecology, biology, chemistry,environtology, finance and sociology towards regulation; develop new numerical and theoretical methodology in statistics, dynamic system and random processes to quantitative modelling and analyses of evolutionary biology and genetics as well as the interdisciplinary research between mathematics and theory biology. Currently, this center is led by Professor Wei Lin.

Research Directions

DirectionI:Computationalneuroscience andneuromorphology

Our research interests include neural information and coding, neuronal computation model and nonlinear dynamics of nervous systems, simulation and computation of local neuronal circuits and large-scale neuronal networks.

Direction II: Nonlinear science and its applications to complex systems

Our research interests includemodellingand analyses in nonlinear dynamic systems and data assimilation, and the individual and common mechanisms in the complex systems from a broad range of scientific fields including physics, ecology, biology, chemistry,environmentsciences, finance, and sociology as well as the control and regulation of complex systems.

Direction III: Evolutionary biology and geneticsmodelling

Our research interests are in the disciplinary field between mathematics and theoretical biology and include a diverse theory and methodology of mathematics, statistics and numerical methods towards quantitativemodellingand analyses in evolutionary biology and genetics.